Thursday 29 September 2016

Binary Tribune’s Commodity Trading Signals

Silver for December delivery:

 Buy just above $19.040, TP1 – $19.148, TP2 – $19.175, TP3 – $19.202, SL – just below $18.959.
Sell just below $19.202, TP1 – $19.094, TP2 – $19.067, TP3 – $19.040, SL – just above $19.283.
If break and close above $19.283, buy with TP at $19.418, SL – just below $19.202.
If break and close below $18.959, sell with TP at $18.824, SL – just above $19.040.

Copper for December delivery:

 Buy just above $2.1777, TP1 – $2.1908, TP2 – $2.1940, TP3 – $2.1973, SL – just below $2.1680.
Sell just below $2.1973, TP1 – $2.1842, TP2 – $2.1810, TP3 – $2.1777, SL – just above $2.2070.
If break and close above $2.2070, buy with TP at $2.2233, SL – just below $2.1973.
If break and close below $2.1680, sell with TP at $2.1517, SL – just above $2.1777.

Soybeans for November delivery:

 Buy just above $942.3, TP1 – $946.4, TP2 – $947.5, TP3 – $948.5, SL – just below $939.2.
Sell just below $948.5, TP1 – $944.4, TP2 – $943.3, TP3 – $942.3, SL – just above $951.6.
If break and close above $951.6, buy with TP at $956.6, SL – just below $948.5.
If break and close below $939.2, sell with TP at $934.2, SL – just above $942.3.

Corn for December delivery:

 Buy just above $328.2, TP1 – $329.5, TP2 – $329.9, TP3 – $330.2, SL – just below $327.1.
Sell just below $330.2, TP1 – $328.9, TP2 – $328.5, TP3 – $328.2, SL – just above $331.3.
If break and close above $331.3, buy with TP at $333.0, SL – just below $330.2.
If break and close below $327.1, sell with TP at $325.4, SL – just above $328.2.

Natural Gas for November delivery: 

Buy just above $2.975, TP1 – $3.011, TP2 – $3.020, TP3 – $3.029, SL – just below $2.948.
Sell just below $3.029, TP1 – $2.993, TP2 – $2.984, TP3 – $2.975, SL – just above $3.056.
If break and close above $3.056, buy with TP at $3.103, SL – just below $3.029.
If break and close below $2.948, sell with TP at $2.901, SL – just above $2.975.

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